Monday, June 8, 2015

Last adventures and saying goodbye

I am writing this from home because I wouldn't have been able to write this properly otherwise. My stomach started acting up on Tuesday so most of my day was taken up with feeling like garbage. Nothing was really wrong other than indigestion from knowing that my time was coming to a close. My mood seemed to follow the ache in my heart (and my digestive tract) most of the week.   Regardless, Spanish class was an absolute blast with our maestro Carlos.  He is such a trip! I don't think he understood half our our jokes but it's all good. lol After the previous week of brain-deadedness, it finally seemed to perk up and start to work again.

We found a kitten. As Bailey, Tess and I were discussing a meeting time for the following day, a itty bitty kitty almost got rundown by a passing car. :(  Bailey insisted I take it home to my family (which I did) so it wouldn't die. My family decided to keep it, so they will always have a way to remember me. :) I named him Poco was either that or Treintaycinco which translates to CRAZY in Tico.

Our last full day (Thursday) was ripe with adventures and sorrow.  I spent the first part of the morning feeling as if I was going to throw up and the second part completely revitalized. Why you ask? Well, because we were going ziplining; something this girl does not do. I have a fear of heights (drowning and small spaces...). But after we did a practice run. OMG it was amazing!! The freedom I felt gliding over the trees with the wind in my face...the lightness of my heart was indescribable.   The 8 zips we did were not nearly enough! We spent the rest of the day in our last Spanish class ( we learned a song that we sang at graduation...). That night I spent as much time as I could and got some last pictures with my Tico family before heading to bed. I haven't talked much about my Tico family in Monteverde. Primarily because we got along so well, I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.  They are a wonderful family and I love them so much. I know that we will continue to stay in contact for years to come.

Leaving is always the worst part about traveling.  I cannot adequately express the grief that I have felt. I have made so many new friends, had so many good times and learned so many things; even in the short amount of time I was there. It was difficult to leave. I know that part of my heart will always be in CR. I hope to return one day to visit friends/family and see what's changed and what has stayed the same. I hope to bring the family along next time.

I have learned a lot about myself on this trip; and for that maybe more than anything else I am grateful.

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