Wednesday, May 6, 2015

T-Minus 9 Days and Counting

Dear Friends,

As most of you know, I have been highly anticipating my trip to Costa Rica. Over the past several months my thoughts (and "neurosis"lol) about this trip have taken a back burner to all the other goings on in my busy life.

At last the time has finally come when my spring classes are finished; the last paper has been written and now it's simply a matter of time before final grades come out.  It is now, on the eve of my departure that I am done planning and am (finally) able to focus on the adventure that lay before me. It is also now that I realize the largeness of my trepidation of going to another country with only the rudimentary grasp of the language. Needless to say, my dear husband has been ready with encouraging words (and the paper bag) . LOL (Love you Snootchie!)

Even with my emotional roller coaster (ranging from OMG what was I thinking?!? to Heck yeah, bring it ON!!), I know that this is going to be a marvelous adventure and the trip of a lifetime.  Isn't that what this trip is about after all? Immersing myself in a new culture, seeing new perspectives, learning new things. Oh it's a scary and exciting thing - I don't know if I'm petrified or exhilarated!! As many, MANY of you (my friends and colleagues) have said, I am made for this.

Yes folks, I WILL be one of those crazy, quirky teachers who have wonderful adventures and bring back exciting stories home for my students.  That thought among others will lift me high above my swirling emotions and land me on solid ground. I HAVE been made for this. This is the Lord's plan for me. I know who I am.

I leave you now to go tie up all the loose ends I need to before I go. I leave you with an excited and adventurous spirit and most of all I leave you with HOPE. 

Blessings my friends,

Lord, please ease my reservations and open my eyes, soften my heart and let me speak with boldness in this new place; please grant us traveling mercies and servants hearts. Amen.

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